Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Okay, so it's been a while since we last posted. I'd like to say that we've been overly busy but that's not totally the case. John has been busy with mid-terms and I've still been looking for a job. The job hunt is officially on the backburner until the end of the month since we are going to be attending a wedding in Arizona the last weekend of February. We're kind of taking some time just to enjoy being together.

We got the chance to go home (to Maple Valley) for a weekend midway through January, and then we got another chance to meet up with my parents in Ontario, Oregon to do a quick car-switch. It was fun to get to see them, and to get a little time away from our little apartment!

At church we have gotten the chance to take an introductory Family History class and it's been fun to get a little taste of what it entails! We are enjoying our new ward, and have gotten a new calling as well. We are now members of the Small Group Committee... which basically means that we get to have people over for dinner, go out on group dates, play games and have fun outings with people, and it's required for our calling! It's pretty much one of the coolest things ever. It's giving us a good chance to get to know people in the ward, and get out and have some fun.

More to come soon!

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