Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rexburg Air Show

Okay okay, so it's been like forever since I posted, so I'm going to try to catch up over the next few weeks - easier said than done!

In June John and I went to the Rexburg Air Show and had a fun time watching the airplanes. We live relatively close to the airport so we constantly hear planes and it was fun to actually see the planes that we hear all the time and some new fun ones too.

There was a Jelly Belly plane that did lots of fun tricks and loops and dives, it was so exciting to watch! Unfortunately my camera doesn't have a very long lens so none of the shots of them in the air turned out too well.

As a part of the air show, they had the Air Museum open to the public for free so we got to walk trough and look at the planes in there, they were so cool! This red one was our favorite. Needless to say, ever since, John has been talking about wanting to get his pilot's license.... and I sweetly remind him that he should work on one big project at a time - first...graduating!

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