Thursday, February 18, 2010

California Trip 2009 - Day 3

Justify FullSaturday July 25, 2009

After some MUCH needed rest, Carol, Aunt Kathy (Kathleen Bertuzzi), John and Michelle went to the Cement Ship down on the beach right near Uncle Wally's house on Trout Gulch Road. It was chilly and windy, and so many people were there! We walked out on the pier and saw all the fishermen fishing off the side of the pier with their coolers, bait buckets and fishing poles. Many of them had dogs with them and it was fun to pet some of them.

John and Michelle on the pier at the Cement Ship

A picture from the pier of the Cement Ship

On the way home from the Cement Ship, we stopped at a British Pub and had some pie that was excellent. John had some fun pretending to call home in the phone booth out front of the restaurant.

At 2 PM that afternoon, several people from my family came out to Uncle Wally's house for a luncheon. Dad and Jared made burgers that were to die for... Michelle helped Aunt Vicki make lemonade by going out front to their lemon tree and PICKED FRESH LEMONS! Can you say made by hand or what? There was maybe 10 lemons to make one pitcher but it was so yummy!

Doug and Jared making burgers

A funky looking lemon from Wally and Vicki's Lemon tree

Aunt Vicki making the lemonade

Family enjoying the shade on Wally and Vicki's patio

The people who were able to come out and visit were: Mary Lou Kendall, Eileen Garske, Paul and Judy Garske, Neil Carpenter, Matthew and Bre Carpenter, Andy Garske, Aunt Kathy, and of course, Wally and Vicki, Doug and Carol, Jared and Michelle and John.

Mary Lou, Wally, Eileen (siblings)

Doug, Mary Lou, Kathy (son, mother, daughter)

Hanging out inside: Mary Lou, Paul, Judy, Eileen, Neil, Vicki (front)

Mary Lou, Wally (siblings)

Neil, Mary Lou (great-nephew, great aunt)

Mary Lou, Eileen (sisters)

Mary Lou, Michelle (grandmother, granddaughter)

Almost everyone's cell phones died today because there is no cell service up on the hill where Uncle Wally's house is so the phones are constantly looking for a signal, or 'roaming'. It also turns out that some of the noise we had been hearing were wild turkies! They run around their house and in their fields and a big Mama turkey had just had babies... 12 of them! I never got a picture of them sadly, they were gone by the time I ran back out with it ready to go!

Wally and Vicki also have a new addition to their family, a new cat named "Mama Cat". When they got her, she was pregnant and had kittens soon after. She is very shy, and only came around when all of us were there to eat the kitty food Uncle Wally would put out for her.

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