Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jared's Visit

My brother Jared spent the summer job hunting and spent some time with us in Rexburg to see if there were any opportunities here for him. For one day while he was here I dragged John and Jared out to Yellowstone. Once we made the trek out there we had a good time, although Jared and John both hate the stinky places and don't like walking through them like I do. It was my birthday though so they humored me.

We started out by driving the 2 Mile Drive (a little scenic route near some falls and good hiking - this is where we found scuba divers in the river!) and then we ate lunch at a little park. The boys had some fun near the water and were being quite silly!

Then we went to Old Faithful, where Jared hadn't been for maybe 10 years? I had to bribe him with ice cream to get him to take this picture with me. Aren't I a good sister?

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