Tuesday, February 16, 2010

California Trip 2009 Overview

John and I took a road trip to California in the summer of 2009 that began on Thursday July 23rd, and ended Tuesday August 4th. For most of the trip my brother Jared was with us in our car riding along because before and after the trip he was staying with us for a short while job hunting in the Rexburg area. We left from Rexburg and drove to Aptos, California, spending the night in Wells, Nevada. Because it was a 2 day drive and John had finals on Wednesday and Thursday that week, we couldn't make it to the funeral held for my dad's cousin Sally Carpenter. We were sad to miss the event, but were happy to get to see more family that weekend since so many were in town for the service.

We arrived in Aptos on Friday night and spent the weekend with the Wilson/Carpenter clan. Sunday Doug, Carol, Jared, John and I left (in 2 cars) for Mariposa, California to visit my dad's cousin Joan and her husband Louie Edwards. Monday morning the 5 of us left Mariposa and drove to Anaheim, California and we arrived that afternoon to our condominium with World Mark. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent in Anaheim, Thursday in San Diego, and Friday in Redondo Beach (all the while sleeping at night in the condo in Anaheim). Saturday Jared, John and I drove straight through from Anaheim, California to Phoenix, Arizona where we spent the weekend with friends. Sunday included a day-trip to Sedona, Arizona with Julie and Junior Rodriguez and Monday morning Jared, John and I headed back north to Rexburg, Idaho. We slept Monday night in Cedar City, Utah and made it home to Rexburg safely on Tuesday.

This was our (John and Michelle) longest trip together since we have been married, and our first real road-trip (not counting back and forth to Rexburg and Seattle!) We learned a lot about traveling together, what works, what doesn't... But most importantly, we spent time with family, even though it was mostly my side. (we managed to squeeze in one evening with a couple of John's siblings, not nearly as much time as we had wanted to!) Even though the beginning was bitter sweet with everyone grieving for Sally, I was very happy that John got to meet so much of my family this trip. We both have a LOT of family in California and neither of us get to see any of them very often.

These big trips are far and few between for us, but we love every minute of them (yes, even the long hours in the car) and can't wait to plan another trip! With school, internships, jobs and the like, we don't know when we'll have another chance like this one. Good thing we enjoyed it while we could!

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